

Step 1

Booking & Briefing


Step 2

Receive Information

The general rule is to send as much information as you can, as soon as possible. It’s better if the information has been fixed as editing at a later date once the model has been processed is time-consuming and difficult.


Step 3

Model Conversion

We strip, clean and remove any unwanted data.


Step 4

Basic Development Model

Files don’t always come in as a perfect starting point (distorted faces, missing polygons, missing objects) so at this stage we add in any additional information to give a complete basic model and change all the materials back to a single colour.


Step 5


To allow the team to produce the images quickly it’s important that we sign off camera locations as early as possible within the process. You will see in the post production stage that the model itself, especially for stills, is reasonably simplistic and a lot of hours need to go into the image after the render.


Step 6

Detailed Modelling

We add in any items such as kerbs, ground terrain, lighting, materials and so on.


Step 7

Test Render

A simple colour image is issued to check materials and building geometry.


Step 8

Render & Post Production

It’s at this stage we will add in the sky, people, landscaping, cars and context.


Step 9

Final Draft

This is to check for any final comments on materials, placement of trees and people before we render the final full resolution image.


Step 10

Delivery of final file

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